Opposite Words in English Agreement

Opposite Words in English Agreement: A Guide for Copy Editors

As a copy editor, one of the most important tasks is ensuring that the text is grammatically correct and easy to understand. One issue that can cause confusion and mistakes in writing is the use of opposite words in English agreement. In this article, we will explore what opposite words are and how to use them correctly.

What are Opposite Words?

Opposite words, also known as antonyms, are pairs of words that have contrasting meanings. For example, hot and cold, big and small, or happy and sad. These words are crucial in describing and comparing things, situations, and emotions.

In English, the use of opposite words can be challenging, especially when it comes to agreement. Agreement is the principle that the subject and verb in a sentence must agree in number (singular or plural). The use of opposite words can create confusion about the number of the subject and, consequently, affect the verb conjugation.

How to Use Opposite Words in English Agreement

To use opposite words correctly in English agreement, you need to pay attention to the context and the subject of the sentence. Let`s look at some examples:

1. The team was divided between the winners and the losers.

In this sentence, the subject is “the team,” which is singular. Even though the object has two opposite words, “winners” and “losers,” the verb “was” agrees with the singular subject.

2. The couple disagreed on everything, from politics to food preferences.

In this sentence, the subject is “the couple,” which is singular. Even though the object may seem plural (“everything”), the verb “disagreed” agrees with the singular subject.

3. The company`s profits were up and down throughout the year.

In this sentence, the subject is “the company`s profits,” which is plural. The opposite words “up” and “down” do not affect the subject`s number, and the verb “were” agrees with the plural subject.

In summary, when using opposite words in English agreement, you need to identify the subject and make sure that the verb agrees with it, regardless of the object`s opposite words.


Opposite words are essential in English language to describe, compare and contrast ideas. Copy editors need to understand how to use opposite words correctly in English agreement to ensure that the text makes sense and is grammatically correct. By paying attention to the context and subject of the sentence, you can effectively use opposite words in your writing and editing.

What Is Material Breach in a Contract

A material breach in a contract is a significant violation of the terms and conditions outlined in an agreement. It occurs when one party fails to perform their obligations according to the contract`s terms, which may result in a loss or damage to the other party.

For example, suppose a construction company signs a contract to build a new office building for a client. In that case, the material breach could be if the construction company fails to complete the project according to the agreed-upon timeline or delivers substandard quality workmanship.

The magnitude of a material breach is usually determined by the affected parties and the court. In case of a breach, the non-breaching party has the right to terminate the contract and pursue legal action. The party can seek damages to recover any costs or losses incurred due to the breach.

It is essential to note that not all breaches of a contract are material breaches. There are minor breaches, which may not warrant an immediate termination of a contract, but they are still violations of the agreement`s terms. A breach is only considered material if it significantly affects the other party`s ability to perform their obligations under the contract.

To avoid material breaches, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the terms of the contract, including performance expectations, milestones, and deadlines. It is also crucial to ensure that all parties agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the contract before signing it.

In summary, a material breach in a contract is a severe violation of the terms and conditions outlined in the agreement. It results in the affected party`s inability to perform their obligations under the contract, and it may lead to financial losses or damage. It is crucial to understand the contract`s terms and conditions and ensure compliance to avoid material breaches.

Trade Act Agreement

The Trade Act Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

The Trade Act Agreement (TAA) is a comprehensive set of laws designed to regulate and promote free trade between the United States and other countries. The TAA covers all aspects of trade, including tariffs, non-tariff barriers, intellectual property rights, and dispute resolution.

The TAA was first enacted in 1974, and has undergone several revisions since then. The most recent version of the TAA is the Trade Act of 2015. This act is designed to increase access to foreign markets for U.S. exporters, protect intellectual property rights, and promote fair competition in international trade.

One of the key provisions of the Trade Act of 2015 is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The TPP is a multilateral trade agreement between the United States and 11 other countries, including Japan, Australia, and Canada. The goal of the TPP is to reduce barriers to trade and investment, promote economic growth, and strengthen labor and environmental protections.

The TPP has been the subject of much controversy, with critics arguing that it will lead to job losses and lower wages for American workers. Proponents of the TPP, however, argue that it will create new opportunities for U.S. businesses and increase economic growth.

Other provisions of the TAA include the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program, which provides assistance to workers who have lost their jobs due to increased imports or shifts in production to foreign countries. The TAA program provides job training, income support, and health care benefits to eligible workers.

In addition to the TAA and the TPP, the Trade Act of 2015 also includes provisions related to intellectual property rights, such as patent and copyright protections. These protections are designed to ensure that U.S. companies are able to protect their innovations and intellectual property rights in foreign markets.

Overall, the Trade Act Agreement is a complex set of laws and agreements that govern international trade between the United States and other countries. While there is much debate about the impact of these laws on the U.S. economy and workers, the TAA and the TPP are both designed to promote free and fair trade and to create new opportunities for U.S. businesses in the global marketplace.